Tales of the Turban


British Sikhs ‘unwrapped’ in new exhibition

A NEW exhibition focussing on the social and political significance of the Turban will be launched in Birmingham next month.

The Niskham Civic Association in Birmingham will host the official launch of the “Turbanology: Sikhs Unwrapped” exhibition on 10th June.

Following the success of the independent documentary “Turbanology: After 7/7”, journalist and filmmaker Jay Singh-Sohal explores the social and political significance of the turban post 9/11, this time through art.

As Exhibition Director, Jay Singh-Sohal says the project aims to be educational, fun but most importantly a hands-on experience.

“This groundbreaking art exhibit will provide a unique and colourful insight into what Sikhs consider their crown,” he said.

“Through art and photography the turban will be demystified, unwrapping layer by layer peoples lack of understanding, prejudice or ignorance of this key Sikh symbol in a colourful, informative and interactive way.”

In addition to specially commissioned films and a Q&A with the exhibit team, keynote speakers including Dr Mohinder Singh (Guru Nanak Nishkam Sewa Jatha) and Gurinder Singh Mandla.

Mr Mandla, who fought the turban ban in 1983 aged only 17, will provide in depth knowledge of the turban’s spiritual importance and the Sikh Turban Rights Movement which resulted in the pivotal House of Lords Turban ruling.

The touring exhibition allows children the opportunity to learn about the Sikh faith through workshops, hosted by Sikh storyteller Roop Singh. The interactive sessions include turban tying and stories from British and Sikh history.

The Arts Council England supported exhibition will be hosted at selected venues from June to October ahead of a national tour in 2012.


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