Voters urged to ‘stop BNP’ in Euro elections


Salma Yaqoob urges high turnout as she backs the Green Party

VOTERS across the West Midlands are being urged to make their vote count in stopping the BNP gaining a foothold in next month’s European Elections.

The West Midlands Region will elect 6 MEPs from a total of 72 which will represent the UK.

There are fears the BNP could gain vital footholds if voters fail to turn out on June 4th.

The party will field six candidates – including leader Simon Darby.

But they are set to face real opposition from the Green Party who are running a high-profile campaign to stop the BNP.

Birmingham Councillor and Leader of the RESPECT Party, Salma Yaqoob has thrown her support behind the Green Party, calling for next month’s voters to go Green and back the party’s Felicity Norman.

Ms Yaqoob, who is a Birmingham Councillor and Westminster Candidate for Birmingham Hall Green constituency, warned voters in the region failure to register votes could open the door for the BNP.

“The racist British National Party is hoping to make a breakthrough in these elections. “Under the system of proportional representation it is essential that everyone who opposes the BNP uses their vote,” she said.

“The higher the turnout, the lower the chance of the BNP being elected. Whatever you do please use your vote against the BNP. But if you care about peace, justice, equality, anti-racism and the environment, vote Green in the European elections”.

Ms Yaqoob’s fears were further allayed by the Muslim Council of Britain who said they have contacted Imams and community leaders to help spread the importance of the elections amongst the Muslim community.

“The active participation of the Muslim community is imperative to prevent Islamophobic groups like the British National Party to gain a foothold because of low voter turnout,” a statement from the group said.

“The BNP will be stoking up anti-Muslim hatred to win a seat. They need one million votes, and once they get in, they will join Islamophobes on continental Europe to attack Muslims and other minorities. For many years, the BNP has been targeting vulnerable Muslim communities with their abuse and misinformation in order to get public votes.”


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