British MEP first UK politician to enter Gaza


Chris Davies visits shelters in Rafah City

A BRITISH MEP has become the first UK politician to enter the Gaza Strip since the start of the latest military conflict in the region.

Chris Davies MEP says his abiding impression will be of young children in a UN shelter giving ‘V for Victory’ signs as Israeli shells fell nearby.

The North West England MEP, who has visited Gaza three times before, said this his visit during Sunday’s ceasefire was punctuated several times by Israeli shelling near the UN shelter he was visiting.

He said: “The earth shook each time and the explosions frightened me but many of the children in the shelter seemed to regard them almost as part of everyday life because they were 600 metres away.

“If Israeli politicians believe that the bombing and terrorising of a civilian population is going to destroy Palestinian resolve and reduce the causes of conflict then they are profoundly mistaken.”

Mr Davies was escorted into and out of Gaza by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency and was briefed by John Ging, the head of UNRWA in Gaza.

Mr Davies was accompanied by 8 other MEPs from as many EU countries.

Speaking from the Rafah border crossing he said: “The over-riding message is that the big powers must act to enforce the latest UN resolution. Words are not enough and action is now needed to end the slaughter of innocent civilians. Israeli civilians have the right not to live in fear of rockets attacks from Hamas but their current offensive will not work and is killing unacceptable numbers of innocent people. Israel must stop the slaughter now and find another way to peace.”


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