Man jailed in driving theory test scam

Two-year sentence for illegal immigrant

AN illegal immigrant who took driving theory tests for 30 people has been jailed for two years.

Palwinder Singh Johal, an illegal immigrant from India, charged £100 for every test he took, Oxford Crown Court was told.

He admitted attempting to obtain a driving test certificate by fraud, and asked for one count of conspiracy to commit fraud to be taken into consideration.

Johal was caught after officials noticed the same bank account was being used to pay for multiple tests.

Alex Durran, prosecuting, told Oxford Crown Court CCTV footage showed Johal taking tests at a number of test centres.

When police searched his home they found £9,000 in cash.

Johal admitted he agreed to the scheme to help pay back £20,000 to the people who had helped him enter the UK illegally.

Jailing him Judge Anthony King said he had put the public at risk. He also recommended that Johal be deported back to India after his sentence.

Following the verdict The Driving Standards Agency warned Impersonators who sit driving tests for others that their actions will result in prosecution with tougher sentencing by the courts.

Andrew Rice, Head of Fraud & Integrity for the Driving Standards Agency said: “Tackling impersonations is a key priority for the Agency as failing to identify offenders presents a significant danger to road safety.

“In this case Mr Johal undermined the driving test system, public safety and created a useful tool for ID Fraud. The Agency is very pleased that the judge sent a message to others when he said that anyone engaging in this activity should expect a Prison Sentence.”


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