‘Poison Gas’ roadshow comes to town

UK GAS safety watchdog CORGI will be visiting Leicester’s The Shires shopping centre at the end of the month with an innovative roadshow designed to highlight the dangers of carbon monoxide poisoning.

From 9am on Saturday 27th October and from 11am on Sunday 28th, the CORGI branded jeep will be parked at The Shires, where experts will be on hand to discuss the dangers, causes and symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning.

The roadshow is particularly relevant to local residents, as Leicester falls within one of the regions most vulnerable to carbon monoxide poisoning, a fact highlighted by a detailed CORGI survey this Summer.

Aided by the local ‘Black Thunder’ team, CORGI staff will be offering free advice and give-aways to anyone concerned about carbon monoxide.

With over 50 deaths and 218 often long-term injuries recorded between January 2006 and April 2007 in the UK alone, carbon monoxide poisoning is a significant health risk but one which can be easily prevented.

A spokesperson for CORGI said it was important appliances should be checked on a regular basis.

“There is no better preventative measure than keeping all flues and chimneys clear from obstruction, and ensuring that appliances are serviced annually to ensure that they are operating correctly”, the spokesperson said.

“All gas fires and appliances should of course be serviced by a CORGI registered installer.

“In addition to incorrectly installed or poorly maintained gas-fired boilers and appliances, carbon monoxide can also be formed in lethal quantities by wood, coal and oil-fired appliances.”

Often known as the ‘silent killer’, carbon monoxide is odourless, colourless and tasteless, and the symptoms can often be confused with common flu. As a last line of defence, an audible carbon monoxide alarm can provide added peace of mind.



The Asian Today has teamed up with CORGI to giveaway 50 Carbon Monoxide alarms worth £25.


To be in with a chance of winning all you have to do is e-mail your name and address to zakia@urbanmedialtd.com

The first 50 readers to e-mail their details will be sent a Carbon Monoxide Alarm free of charge!


Closing date: 31st October 2007


Winners will be chosen at random after the closing date.

Names of the winners will be listed here after the closing date

The Editors decision is final


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