Queen’s Cousin is First Person in the Royal Family to come out as Gay

Credit: Rex Features

Lord Ivar Mountbatten, 53, has revealed a lifelong secret. During an interview, the Lord came out as gay and introduced his boyfriend, James Coyle, 54. Is it the first time a member of the British Royal family has come out as a gay, a move that many are hailing as progressive and inspirational for others in the same position.

He told The Mail on Sunday, “I am a lot happier now, though I am still not 100% comfortable with being gay.

“Being a Mountbatten was never the problem, it was the generation into which I was born. When I was growing up, it was known as ‘the love that dare not speak its name’, but what’s amazing now is how far we have all come in terms of acceptance.

“Coming out is such a funny phrase but it’s what I suppose I did in a rather roundabout way, emerging to a place I’m happy to be. I have struggled with my sexuality and in some ways I still do; it has been a real journey to reach this point.

“Simply talking about it in public is a huge step for me. Up to this point, I have had a heterosexual lifestyle, so living with a man is really new. One step at a time.”

As for the Lord’s children, they’ve taken well to theirs father’s partner, preferring him to a stepmum and even attending yoga with him.

The Queen has been proudly pro-gay, supporting equality and the right for members of the same sex to marry. Last year, Prince William visited schools to tackle homophobic bullying and Prince Harry even went as far to say he might try men if things with women don’t work out.


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