Muhammed Ali Qualifies for Rio Olympics

20-year-old Sheffield boxer, Muhammed Ali qualifies for the Rio Olympics.


Muhammed Ali has qualified for the Rio Olympics. Based in Sheffield, England, the 20-year-old boxer just so happens to share the same name of the greatest boxer to ever grace the ring as well as sharing the same profession as the renowned Muhammed Ali.

Speaking to England’s Yorkshire Post newspaper, Ali said: “When people used to mention about my name, at first I was like, ‘They are at it again’ but now I am just getting used to it. It doesn’t bother me, and I have just got to go out and perform and show them that I am half decent. Hopefully I can be half as good as the real Ali one day.”

The young Ali earned a 2014 Youth Olympic Bronze Medalist and a 2015 European Silver Medalist in the 52kg division. However, he lost in the quarter-finals of the 2015 World Championships.


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