United Against Fascism


By Manisha Tailor

Saturday February 21st 2015 saw ‘Unite Against Fascism’ (UAF), an anti-fascism pressure group in the UK, take to Congress House in London in what was an inspirational and positive movement towards tackling discrimination.  In addition to politicians and high profile dignitaries, support was shown from anti-racism charity, ‘Show Racism the Red Card’.

“Show Racism the Red Card supports Unite Against Fascism, although we are an anti-racism organisation we recognise that young people can become susceptible to the ideas of fascism with organisations like the BNP or the EDL and other far right groups.  Therefore it is important to work in partnership with other organisations and this conference allowed us to do that.  It consisted of a range of people and organisations coming together to make a stand against facism.  We had a stall and it was great to have Francis Duku as our speaker.  We are keen to work in partnerships and find that it is a great way to communicate a message via a multitude of networks.  We have created an education pack called ‘No Place for Hate’ which was funded for us to combat ideas and dangers of far right groups.  We work in schools and deliver teacher training as well.” (GedGrebby, CEO Show Racism the Red Card).

Education worker, Manisha Tailor highlighted the importance of such events.  “It was a real honour to have represented Show Racism the Red Card at Congress House for the Unite Against Fascism event.  What became very transparent was the sheer need for such events to highlight issues across diversity, and those that support it like SRtRC.  The speakers were inspirational and their words were heart-felt with many having lived, and still continuing to experience discrimination and hate.  I look forward to supporting more events like this with SRtRC”.

Francis Duku, former footballer and education worker at SRtRC, who was a guest speaker at the event stated, “after the recent incidents of racist actions that have affected the world of football, the value of the work of organisations such as our own, becomes more apparent to all. On Saturday 21st February, I was able to witness first-hand the work of another organisation with similar aims and intentions, when I was asked to attend and deliver a short speech at the annual conference for Unite Against Fascism, UAF. I was proud to share the stage with well-known campaigners such as Dianne Abbot, Ken Livingstone, Lee Jasper and others from all over Europe, as I discussed the contribution SRtRC makes to society in the fight against racism and discrimination.

On the day I heard from a number of speakers from different organisations but united with each other in their aims. Their various speeches highlighted many of the dangers we face as a society these days, and the challenges we have to ensure the rise of events attacking others for racist and fascist reasons, are effectively addressed and stamped out. For my part, I was able to highlight the work we do as an organisation, the areas we work in with our expertise and experience, and the difference we are actively making to young lives especially, so they too can one day help us in this fight supported by all who attended the conference”.

Paul Kearns, Deputy CEO SRtRC, spoke of the importance of partnership working.  “SRtRC has always placed a great emphasis on partnership working and were delighted to be able to support this event.  Organisations cannot maximise their impact if operating in a vacuum and by pooling our collective resources, experience, knowledge and passion for the issues, we can effect considerable change.  When like-minded organisations work together then the outcome can be far greater than the sum of their respective parts”.

What was made clear from the day is that the challenge we face is still a huge one but one which is showing up in a variety of different forms, and the best way to deal with it is with a united force and action where the support we are able to offer each other, can make the crucial difference.


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