Beauty Extravaganza With a Message

Birmingham will host the womens-only Style in the City beauty extravaganza to highlight the trauma of domestic abuse and honour-based violence.

Raj Holness

A beauty extravaganza with a very thoughtful and somber message is being held in Birmingham to highlight the far reaching trauma of domestic abuse and honour-based violence.

The Style in the City women’s-only event is being held by Breaking the Silence, which is a leading organisation that raises awareness around issues of domestic abuse, human trafficking and forced marriages.

Raj Holness, founder and director of Breaking the Silence, who was recently named West Midlands Woman of the Year 2015, Most Inspirational Woman 2015, and the Asian Business Awards’ Community Champion 2016, will talk about her inspirational journey and her escape from abuse.

Event organiser Donna-Marie, said: “Shocking figures tell us that two women are killed every week as a result of domestic violence. The aim of our afternoon event is to get women talking, building each other up and supporting each other’s dreams and goals.”

Raj suffered years of domestic abuse at the hands of her family and ex-partners. After remaining silent for 20 years, she went on to tell her story in her autobiography ‘The Only Arranged Marriage’ by Raj Jarrett.

After her escape from abuse and regardless of the fact that her abusers declared to find her and kill her, Raj found the bravery to break free and launch the social enterprise Breaking the Silence (

For the past nine years she has toured around the country raising awareness by speaking to more than 200 organisations in order to highlight the suffering of domestic abuse not only to the victim, but to those close to them.

Her continuing support, encouragement and contacts have assisted many to leave their instable life and get help.

The ‘Style in the City,’ event, which includes a champagne reception, is being held between 3pm and 7pm on Sunday June 26th at Sion Bar & Dining, Three Shires Oak Road, Bearwood.


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