Yellow Hats Are Not Just For Builders

How can we care for healthcare staff so that they can care for our patients?

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Date: 9 September 2016

Location: Edgbaston Room, Lucas House, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston Park Road, Birmingham B15 2RA

  • Do you work in an organisation committed to staff wellbeing?
  • Are you finding it hard to maintain this focus while delivering on other pressing challenges?
If so, this FREE one day workshop may be for you. The University of Birmingham has been working in partnership with a number of organisations to help them develop their staff support offer. Our approach focuses on the importance of understanding and recognising emotional labour. Builders undertake hard physical labour, and wear yellow hats to protect them from the dangers in their environment, yet healthcare professionals engage in hard emotional labour, often without protection or support. The equivalent yellow hat is hard to find! However, many systems exist, and organisations may need some help to assess the suitability of the available options.
The workshop is practical and evidence-based. At the end of the session you will have:

  • developed a better understanding of emotional labour and the impact it has on the delivery of compassionate care to patients
  • found out about a range of staff support interventions currently in use
  • identified an approach to staff support which best fits your organisation
  • taken the first step to improving staff support.
We will use “Improvement Lab” techniques to help you examine the issues and develop a plan of action for your workplace. Previous experience of this method is not required, but interest, enthusiasm and commitment to supporting staff is essential. This is not a talking shop! We have spaces for up to ten teams. All we need from you at this stage is:
  • Confirmation that three people from your workplace will attend on 9 September 2016. We suggest you nominate a combination of people senior enough to be able to implement some actions on your return, and those well-versed in the everyday work of frontline staff, to have a sense of what would be possible/acceptable
  • Your commitment to engage fully in the day
  • A belief that looking after staff really matters.
Please contact Naomi Bryant at to register.


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