Women and Politics


Saturday 3rd October 2015

The Sikh Network will be organising an afternoon of inspiration. The Women and Politics event aims to bring together people from different backgrounds for networking, support and showcasing the inspiring reasons why women chose politics as a career choice.

Speaking to The Asian Today, organiser, Manjit Kang said, “Women make up 51% of the UK population, yet only 29% of MPs in the House of Commons are women.  Despite a record 41 BME MPs elected in the last General Election in May 2015, they make up only 6% of the Commons compared to 14% of the UK population. Disappointingly none of the 650 MPs are Sikh and the 5 Sikh MPs that have been elected in the past have all been men. The event is the first in a series to support, encourage & empower more women to enter British politics, in line with Section 1 of the Sikh Manifesto”



Date : Saturday 3rd October 2015
Time: 1pm onwards
Venue: Sandwell Council Chambers

Speakers include:


Jess Philips, MP for Yardley Birmingham

Kate Willoughby from Emily Matters

Suria Photay, Councillor in Wolverhampton

Neena Gill MEP





  • 1pm – Registration & networking
  • 1.30pm – 2.30pm – Key note speakers. 
  • 2.30pm – 4pm – Politics Workshops ran by Sandwell Council House. 
  • 4pm – Afternoon tea & close. 
The event is free and open to men and women. To book tickets, please visit: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/women-politics-event-2015-registration-18317316587?aff=es2



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