Saqib Bhatti Becomes President at the IAB

Birmingham chartered accountant Saqib Bhatti was elected as the new president of the Institute of Asian Businesses last night.
Mr Bhatti becomes the 14th president of the organisation, which was founded in 1987 and is part of Greater Birmingham Chambers of Commerce. He is an associate at family-owned Younis Bhatti & Co.
Mr Bhatti’s father Younis was head the IAB as chairman in 1993 and it is the first time son has succeeded his father in the position.
He is a law graduate from the London School of Economics, and qualified as an accountant at top four accountancy firm Deloitte, where he worked in the financial services audit department.
At Deloitte, he specialised in audits of top tier commercial and private banks within the retail sector.
Mr Bhatti said: “It truly is an honour to be leading the IAB, one of the premier representative bodies in the West Midlands and an important voice for all our businesses and surrounding communities.
“The IAB has grown significantly in terms of membership and influence, regionally and nationally, and ultimately, we shall continue to work towards our members, Premier Plus Partners and Patrons, getting the maximum benefit from being part of this hugely influential and important body and work has already begun with this in mind.
“I welcome my new vice-president Dee Kundi, who joins Aftab Chughtai, who has been re-elected and my new committee. Between them they have the experience, enthusiasm and energy in supporting me to deliver maximum value to our members.
“I also welcome, our honorary chair Nasir Awan, who will allow the IAB to continue with stability and preserve all the hard work that he has achieved over the past three years.
“With the great work that has been carried out, it is our responsibility to carry on the momentum of the IAB and take it to the next level.
“In a time where our businesses continue to face economic headwinds, the IAB provides an excellent forum for networking and discussion as well as a voice for our members and surrounding community. We must not lose this.
“Our flagship event, the annual dinner, really demonstrates the strength of the IAB to the wider community, and as well as being a night full of entertainment, it plays an important role in letting stakeholders and policymakers across Birmingham know that the IAB is here to engage and that we have a voice worth listening to.
“I hope that this year we will also be looking to further develop the IAB strategically, so that we continue to be seen as one of the premier bodies across the Midlands. This will involve all of us representing the IAB across the Midlands, at events and on boards with the aim of increasing our sphere of influence around the city and nationally.”
Mr Bhatti is involved in a number of other organisations in Birmingham, including the Lunar Society and the Broad Street Business Improvement District. The former plays a key role in influencing decision makers and policy makers at a regional and national level, and the latter is dedicated to improve and promote what has grown into one of the city’s most vibrant areas.
Additionally, Mr Bhatti sits on the ‘Walk of Stars’ committee, which chooses which celebrities and personalities should be invited to join this increasingly prestigious project.
Mr Bhatti also carried out voluntary work for the Al-Shifa Eye Trust Hospital in Pakistan, which is an internationally recognised hospital providing eye-care. The hospital is free to those who cannot afford it.
Mr Bhatti is responsible for setting up a youth wing of Al-Shifa, and was asked to perform a similar task by the Pakistani Red Crescent. He also has the honour of representing Pakistan on Commonwealth Day.