Indian fitness craze hits Britain

A new DVD has mastered the art of the popular Asian dance routine to help get back into shape especially after an indulgent Christmas and New Years.
‘The Masala Bhangra Workout’ is the brainchild of Sarina Jain – a qualified fitness instructor and health guru.
Born to Indian parents and brought up in Los Angeles, Sarina is known as the Indian Jane Fonda and is the first South Asian to introduce Indian dance to exercise enthusiasts everywhere and to make major headlines in news media in the US and throughout the world.
With Indian literature, art, films, fashion and food already firmly embedded in the UK, Sarina is bringing her health craze to Britain with Masala Bhangra.
Not a food or a fashion, Masala Bhangra is a form of dance already familiar to many film-goers. Parmider Nagra performed bhangra moves in Bend it Like Beckham and they have long been a feature of Bollywood movies.
Masala Bhangra is one of the trendiest fitness and exercise programmes and is fast emerging as the popular alternative to the mundane aerobics programme.
The Masala Bhangra Workout is a series of high-energy exercises that invigorate both men and women and can burn more than 500 calories a session. It provides a fantastic fusion of modern disciplines from cardio-salsa, high energy aerobic moves to hip hop dance mixed with Bhangra, this addictive workout is done to the infectious beat of the dhol and chimptas (musical instruments based on fire tongs but with small brass jingles added) synthesized with choral vocals. Bhangra music is already growing fast in the UK, thanks to artists such as B21, Achanak, Malkit Singh, Panjabi MC, Safri Boys and Stereo Nation.

The Masala Bhangra Workout is a flowing series of sensuous, vigorous movements that are fun and uplifting. Expertly choreographed by Sarina, each of the steps is named and explained – making the workout easy to follow. Not only is Masala Bhangra enjoyable and invigorating, it’s a very effective cardiovascular and muscle strengthening workout – suitable for all fitness levels.
So what are you waiting for? Put that samosa down and get those arms moving!
The Masala Bhangra Workout™ is available from Amazon or priced £12.99
The Asian Today have 6 copies of Masala Bhangra workout to giveaway!
All you have to do is answer the following question to be in with a chance of winning.
Q: Where does Bhangra originate from?
Is it:
A. India, B. Japan, or, C. Barnet
Send your answers with your name and address to:
The Asian Today Masala Workout Competition, PO Box 13544, Birmingham, B11 9BZ,
or e-mail your answer to
Closing date: 1st Feb 2007
Winners will be chosen at random and the Editor’s decision is final
This Competition is now closed. The names of the winners will be revealed shortly