First Asian Chair of Crimestoppers for Leicestershire


Romail Gulzar steps up his Fight Against Crime

Romail Gulzar, Managing Editor of Pukaar News UK, has just been appointed the new Chair of the Leicestershire Crimestoppers Volunteer Committee, the only independent national charity working to solve crime.


Romail, who has volunteered for the charity for 3 years, has great experience of working for the organisation. He has been a key player in developing a number of campaigns including Asian Gold theft, Metal theft and the annual Leicester’s Got Talent event which will be running again this November.


This appointment comes as the local community in Leicestershire and Rutland continues to play a priceless role after figures revealed that the charity passed on 26,602 pieces of information to the police in the area, leading to 4,050 arrested and charged since 1995 when the committee formed. This has resulted in £2.1million of stolen property recovered and £1.8 million of drugs seized.


Crimestoppers works at a grassroots level across the UK helping to fight crime in local communities. Our volunteer network is integral to this, working with local law enforcement agencies, businesses and other charities, to launch campaigns and events, helping make communities safer places to live.


Romail said: “I’m proud to say that I am a Leicester citizen. Leicester is a role model for other cities; it has learnt how to adapt to its many varying cultures that its residents have brought to its area and it should be used as an example to others. As Chair of Crimestoppers, I want to lead a group of people that share my vision to diminish crime, to build a safe environment for residents, local people, and businesses.”


Sue Langley, Head of Regions for Crimestoppers, added: “Volunteers bring energy, enthusiasm and a concern for the welfare of the local community. They also bring their own ideas and expertise to their local committee which is what helps to bring about such fantastic results.


“We are looking forward to working more closely with Romail and would encourage anyone with a real interest in Crimestoppers to join us by volunteering.” 


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