Guru Nanak Nam Ladies Jatha Fight Heart Disease


Joined Forces with British Heart Foundation

Local group, Guru Nanak Nam Ladies Jatha, led by Harbans Kaur Lalli visited homes across Birmingham to conduct the ‘Sukhmani Sahib’ which means ‘jewel of happiness’ and is the name given to a set of hymns that appear in the Sikh holy scriptures, The Guru Granth Sahib.


These hymns take around 90 minutes to read are believed to bring peace of mind and as such bring peace to the world.  All monies that the congregation donates are given to charities across England, and this group selected the British Heart Foundation (BHF) during February as one of its recipients.


Harbans Kaur Lalli said “We are very proud to have raised £1100 for the BHF and got involved because we recognise that coronary disease is still so prevalent in the Asian community. We are committed to supporting worthy causes such as the British Heart Foundation who devote their resources to lead the fight against heart disease.


Donna Stokes, BHF Fundraising Manager, said “A huge thanks to Harbans Kaur Lalli and the Guru Nanak Nam Ladies Group for their awe-inspiring fundraising effortsIt has been fantastic to witness the UK rallying together in support of the BHF by ramping up the red to fight heart disease.  All money raised will help us truly fight for every heartbeat.”


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