Miracle on Mansel Road!


Birmingham family receive gift from Mecca with a message from Allah!

A BIRMINGHAM family got more than they bargained for when a gift from Mecca turned out to contain a message from Allah!

The Mirza family, who live on Mansel Road in Small Heath, were given a number of packets of dried fruit dates from family and friends who had returned to the city following pilgrimages to the holy city of Mecca.

But when 24-year-old Nadya Anjum felt peckish one morning little did she know a surprise awaited her.

Picking up a date she suddenly felt the urge to look down at the small dried fruit and to her astonishment found the word Allah written in Arabic!

Older brother Imran said the date left the whole family speechless.

“I don’t know what made Nadya look at the date when she took it out of the packet,” he told The Asian Today.

“If it was me I would have just eaten it. When she saw the word ‘Allah’ written on the date she was shocked.”

Imran admits he was sceptical at first, but couldn’t quite believe his own eyes when he glanced down at the date.

“I was shocked. I didn’t really believe her when she told us initially, but when I saw it myself I was shocked,” the 31-year-old added.

“I’ve always heard of these things happening, of people finding Allah’s name in aubergines and all sorts but I never thought we would come across something like this. It’s a good sign.

“We’ve had a running joke in the family since with my brother saying he wants to eat the date for good luck!”

The Mirza family have already welcomed a number of family and friends round to take a peek at their miracle.

And now the family are looking to use the date to raise money for charity.

Imran adds: “A friend of the family does Islamic art and he wants to put a picture of the date onto canvasses to sell for charity so that’s something that we are working on.”

In the meantime the date will take prime place in the family home as the Mirza family come to terms with their miracle from Mecca!



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