British Pakistani Campaigners Appointed European Conservatives Advisors


Birmingham born Saqib Bhatti and Aftab Chughtai MBE, have been appointed Senior Policy advisers to the Alliance of Conservatives and Reformists in Europe, ACRE. This has been an effort to reach out and communicate with the Muslim communities and different countries where there’s a more conservative and reform party tradition.

 This method to try and recruit other conservative like-minded people is a new system that ACRE are undertaking with hopes that it will be successful around the world. Bhatti and Chughtai have said that Tunisia was their first stop in December 2016, where they visited leading member of the Conservative Right Political Parties, Afek Tounes and the Ennahda Party.

Saqib and Aftab have also exclaimed that they will be in talks with the Pakistani political parties to try and establish a common ground between European and Pakistani reform parties, with hopes to strengthen the relations across a range of different issues.

Saqib Bhatti said, ‘It was a great privilege to be working with ACRE as it recognises the importance of international dialogue and co-operation, and through this appointment we will be meeting conservative parties across the world promoting greater relations with parties that share a belief in fundamental democratic and conservative values.’

We would like to congratulate both men on this prestigious honour and wish them both success in all future endeavours.



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