Birmingham St Mary’s Hospice has recently expanded its patient services including opening two Satellite Clinics across the city.
The Satellite Clinics will be based in Sparkbrook Community and Health Centre, Sparkbrook and Jiggins Lane Medical Centre, Bartley Green, with more clinics planned to open across the city over the next three years. The clinics are being funded by voluntary donations.
Patients with a life limiting or terminal illness now have the choice of being seen by the Hospice’s specialist nurses in our Satellite Clinics, our Hospice based Outpatient Clinic, a newly expanded Day Hospice, as well as in their own homes.
The Satellite Clinics offer patients more choice and make Hospice services accessible for people in different locations, such as GP/Health Centres across Birmingham. They Satellite Clinics are available on a varied weekly schedule.
Free care and support is provided by The Selly Park based Hospice to over 1,200 patients across Birmingham and Sandwell, with the majority of the hospice’s work taking place out in the community by caring for people in their own homes.
Speaking about the new patient services, Nursing Director at Birmingham St Mary’s Hospice Helen O’Halloran said, “The Hospice is committed to delivering high quality Hospice care for all, and with our Satellite Clinics we can offer easier access to our services closer to the communities where people and their families live. We are aware that we have lower referrals from these areas due a number of factors, so we are delighted to be working with lots of different partners to serve the local communities, wherever and whenever Hospice care and support is needed.”
The Hospice has also expanded its Day Hospice Therapeutic Programme to include a Transfusion Clinic, Outpatient Clinic and The Welcome Group. The Welcome Group is a weekly volunteer led service which provides social and peer support for patients who have a life limiting or terminal illness. The non-clinical service is run by an experienced team of volunteers and can accommodate up to 20 patients per session.
Tina Swani, Chief Executive at Birmingham St Mary’s Hospice, said: “We have developed a range of new community services to support and complement our existing high quality service. Volunteers play an important role here at the Hospice and The Welcome Group is a much needed exciting addition to the Day Hospice service alongside the therapeutic programme. Our four year strategy is ‘Hospice care for all’ and with these new community services, we hope to bring hospice care closer to people and to offer patients more choice.”
Full details on the new community services can be found via the Birmingham St Mary’s Hospice website on www.birminghamhospice.org.uk or by calling the Hospice on 0121 472 1191.