Sikh MPs and other Mythical Creatures


by Jas Sansi

A political wit stated ahead of the recent General Election, there are more pandas in Scotland than Tory MPs. Edinburgh Zoo houses two of the adorable creatures. Scotland has just one Tory MP. If you sympathise with the Conservative position north of the border, consider my own community, the Sikhs. There is as much chance sighting the Loch Ness Monster as there is seeing a Sikh MP in The Commons. We have all the taxation but none of the representation. Regretfully, there are no Sikh MPs in the House of Commons.

I was genuinely saddened to see Paul Uppal lose his seat in Wolverhampton South West. Paul had his parliamentary photograph taken in my office ahead of a successful 2010 election. I even lent him the tie he wore in the picture.

What’s the solution for greater representation? I wish I knew. As a community, Sikhs appear to favour commerce over politics. Here in the Midlands where I’m tapping out this article, it’s no surprise the first self made billionaire, Ranjit Boparan is a Sikh, whereas the first Asian cabinet member, Sajid Javid is a Muslim.

I sponsored a Sikh fringe event at the 2014 Conservative Conference in Birmingham. The objective; to lobby for an Independent Inquiry into revelations of Conservative involvement in Operation Blue Star. Paul Uppal and Lord Whitby both spoke, neither could offer a commitment to such an inquiry. I tried, I failed, but I did try. Its important Sikhs engage with the political process. You don’t have to harbour an aspiration of becoming an MP in order to engage, but if you do, I have a tie you would be very welcome to borrow.

Jas Sansi
Proud to Sponsor the Birmingham Chambers of Commerce Business Breakfast 10 June 2015

Details at: Sansi


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