Farage: “Build Lots of Smaller Mosques”


UKIP Leader Voiced His Support During Campaign Trip To Dudley

Nigel Farage has said he would rather there were many small mosques in Dudley instead of one ‘Super Mosque’.

The UKIP leader made the comment during a General Election campaign visit to the Black Country target seat, in which he met activists and spoke at an open public meeting at the Copthorne Hotel in Brierly Hill.

He maintained that UKIP’s opposition to the planned mega-mosque was not based in racism or religious intolerance.

He said, “People need a religious place of worship, the only question is whether that scale is the right one.

“You shouldn’t ban people from following their religion. Whether the super mosque is the right way to do that is a separate question.

“I personally don’t think its a great idea, I’d personally like to see more smaller and proportionate mosques.”

Commenting on Tory candidate Afzal Amin’s forced resignation in connection to the super mosque, in which Afzal plotted a fake demonstration with the English Defence League over the planned mosque in order to later claim credit for the protest being cancelled, the UKIP leader said it was ‘fair enough’.

Nigel Farage said, “He was trying to stir up something dangerous for personal advantage”.


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