Driving Test Changes

Driving Test Changes made to Better Reflect Real World


The driving test will be undergoing numerous changes as a way to make the test more realistic and better prepare new learning drivers. Set to be scrapped is the reversing around a corner manoeuvre which is being swapped for reversing out of a parking bay.

Most surprisingly, independent driving using road signs is also being ditched in favour of following directions via sat-nav. This update should teach drivers how to use their navigation devices with better efficiency.

The changes have been trialled across Britain with more than 4500 learners and 850 driving instructors and according to the Director of the RAC Foundation, Steve Gooding, the new tests will better reflect the modern world.

According to  the Chief Executive of the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA), Gareth Llewellyn, “great Britain’s roads are among the safest in the world. But there is scope to do more to keep road users safe – particularly newly-qualified drivers.”

“Making sure the test better assesses a driver’s ability to drive safely and independently is part of our strategy to help every driver through a lifetime of safe driving.”

“These proposed changes recognise that it is more important for candidates to demonstrate the capability to drive independently on high-risk roads than being able to reverse flawlessly into a quiet cul-de-sac.”

“The new approach will be deemed a success if, in the longer term, it produces better-prepared drivers and we experience fewer road casualties. Meantime we hope these common sense changes will be rolled out swiftly.”

Other additions to the test include vehicle safety and increasing the independent driving section from 10 minutes to 20 minutes.


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